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Little Tree Studio Ceramics Journal

BOOK REVIEW: Pottery You Can Use By Jacqui Atkin

Making tableware is as much art as it is skill and know-how. Everyone who owns a beloved cup that has just the right handle, an agreeably "deep" cereal bowl, or a plate that fits perfectly in the dishwasher knows that once you've found these pieces, you wish you had more of them.

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Little Tree Studio at HOLD

19 May – 2 July 2022. Ceramic artists have been invited from throughout Australia to investigate the beauty and sense of intimacy experienced when eating or drinking from an exquisitely crafted plate, or vessel.

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'PLACE' Exhibition

In walls of warmth, our hearts to rest.Where love and laughter are our guests.We work and play, our minds create.A sanctuary, a place that’s safe.Cherish its rooms, our home embraceOur souls to be, we find our place. ~ Alexander Thatcher, 2023 - 

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Cabin Incense Burners

New Cabin Incense Burners are now available at the Little Tree Studio Shop $50. Watch the smoke below from the chimney as these handmade Cabin Incense Burners fill your home with wonderful and exotic scents.

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Not the only clay in the village

As part of this year’s Canberra Pride SpringOUT Festival, you are invited to a special art exhibition showcasing the talents of local LGBTQIA+ ceramicists and clay workers, which will be shown at the Canberra Potters Gallery. Opening night on 6:00pm Thursday 13th October. Responding to the way in which all of us engage with our rainbow community and the wider community around us, this exhibition theme “Not the only clay in the village” gives participants an opportunity to explore...

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Kaleidoscope Exhibition

Kaleidoscope is a community visual arts exhibition celebrating LGBTQI+ pride at the Belconnen Arts in Canberra. Photo: 'Come as You Are' Street Scapes by Alexander Thatcher Little Tree Studio.

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